Last Updated: 03/17/20 | March 17th, 2020
With its verdant hills, acres of vineyards, and temperate climate, Napa Valley in California is one of the world’s premier wine-producing regions.
Located just over an hour from San Francisco, each year over 3 million people flock to this region to bike, hike, swim in a veritable pool of wine, and eat rich, delicious food.
However, Napa is not easy on the wallet. Restaurants, hotels, and winery check outs add up quickly. like a money-sucking feedback loop, visitors expect to spend a lot of money, and prices reflect people’s willingness to open their wallets.
I went seeking an answer to the question I ask of all destinations: “Can you travel here on $50 a day?”
I found you can, but it takes work. even if you don’t desire to do it bare-bones, there are ways to cut your expenses and still delight in an inexpensive check out to Napa Valley.
If you cut your accommodation costs, you can check out Napa on a budget. The average cost for hotels in the area is around $175 per night, with some basic options starting at $99 (before taxes). Unless you’re traveling as a pair or part of a group, that’s a lot for one person to spend per night.
The best way to save money on accommodations, especially as a solo traveler, is to use Couchsurfing, a site that connects locals with travelers who need a place to stay. It’s a fantastic form of cross-cultural exchange and a totally free place to stay at night!
However, there aren’t a lot of hosts in Napa, so look for one in advancement since, given the cost of accommodations, they get a lot of requests. I found a host two weeks before I went, and they had other people staying with them at the same time, too.
But if this doesn’t appeal to you, choose Airbnb. It’s the most affordable paid option. There are a lot of listings for the area, with some costing as little as $75 per night for a private room.
Napa is home as much to world-class food as it is to wine. That doesn’t bode well for your pocket. You can easily sit down for a meal and pay over $10 for just an appetizer!
Stick to the markets and sandwich shops if you want to survive on a budget. There is a farmers market (with a few restaurants) in downtown Napa. Gott’s Roadside has locations in both Napa and St. Helena and serves delicious burgers for under $8, while ad Hoc runs a delicious food truck providing fried chicken made by a Michelin star chef for $15 with sides.
Beyond that, cook your own food. There are food markets galore in the region where you can purchase fresh groceries at a sensible price.
I would certainly splurge on at least one meal, though, as the region is well-known for its food, but I would limit how numerous meals you do this on — it will add up quickly! You can find world-class food anywhere. Why blow your budget? So splurge sparingly — save it for the wine!
Transportation in Napa is complicated. Unless you have a designated driver, driving is neither the best nor safest option. (Remember: Don’t drink and drive!!) To get around, you’ll need to find other implies of transport.
First, you can rent a bike. organized bike trips are over $100 and don’t include tasting fees at the wineries — so I’d skip those. Instead, make your own bike tour. You can rent bikes for around $45 per day. two good rental companies are Calistoga Bikeshop and Napa Valley Bike Tours.
Second, you can hire a automobile service — there is no shortage of companies that will take care of driving you and your pals around. However, this is a really expensive option. many cost $35 per hour and have a multi-hour minimum, while some of the much more glamorous options cost around $115 an hour.
I wouldn’t recommend these unless you are part of a larger group.
Third, you can join organized group tours. These typically cost around $100 per day (and don’t always include totally free tastings). You’ll be shuttled from winery to winery on a timetable, but it can be a good way to see a lot of wineries in a single day.
If you’re searching for a quick and problem-free way to see the wineries and don’t want to bother planning it all yourself, this is the option for you (though it won’t be cheap!).
Your most affordable option is Uber, a ridesharing service that operates around the world. You download their app to your smartphone, register your credit report card, and request a nearby chauffeur directly through the app. It’s a door-to-door automobile service! (Personally, I like their competitor Lyft better, but they don’t operate in the area.)
There are plenty of Uber chauffeurs in Napa, so you’ll have no problem getting a ride. A 15-minute, five-mile drive will cost around $14. If you’re traveling with a group, this will be the most affordable way to get around.
Tastings whatsoever the wineries in the area run $15-20. If you stop by the tourism office, you can pick up a number of 2-for-1 tAsing -kort, som er fantastisk, hvis du rejser i et par. Jeg prøvede at indløse dem på egen hånd i håb om, at jeg enten ville få to smagninger eller halvdelen af en, og resultaterne blev ramt eller miss.
Der er også en app kaldet Winery Finder, der viser aktuelle kampagner på vingårde i regionen. Jeg kan varmt anbefale at bruge denne app, da mange af de nævnte kampagner ikke annonceres på turistkontoret.
Derudover vil mange vingårde give afkald på smaggebyret, hvis du køber en flaske eller to af deres rødvin (forsendelse ikke inkluderet). Så hvis du planlægger at lagre din rødvinskælder, vil du opdage, at du kan smage masser af helt gratis vin!
Jeg glædede mig virkelig over min tid i Napa. Regionen var smuk, maden var utrolig, og vinen … ja, simpelthen guddommelig. Jeg anbefaler dog ikke at gå alene. For det første er det meget dyrere, og fordi jeg ikke kunne splitte omkostninger, drev det virkelig omkostninger!
For det andet udforsker Napa Glæden området med dine venner og deler nogle historier om god rødvin og mad. Du kan have det sjovt på egen hånd, men jeg glædede mig mest på mig selv, da jeg mødte mine venner og havde folk til at dele oplevelsen med.
Når det er sagt, behøver Napa ikke at buste dit budget. Der er ikke adskillige måder at spare penge på, men der er nogle få, og når de bruges sammen, kan de sænke dine omkostninger betydeligt og gøre din drømmetur til Napa til en meget mere billig virkelighed.
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Glem ikke rejseforsikring
Rejseforsikring vil beskytte dig mod sygdom, skade, tyveri og aflysninger. Det er omfattende beskyttelse, hvis noget går galt. Jeg tager aldrig på en tur uden den, da jeg har været nødt til at bruge den adskillige gange i fortiden. Mine yndlingsfirmaer, der tilbyder den bedste service og værdi, er:
Sikkerhedsfløj (for alle under 70)
Forsikre min rejse (for dem over 70)
Medjet (til yderligere hjemsendelse af hjemsendelse)
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