CLARK airport international Arrival process & requirements (OFWs, Non-OFWs, Foreigners)

IMPORTANT: before working on the arrival requirements, know that Philippine quarantine and testing requirements and protocol differ depending on the traveler’s vaccination status. read THIS FIRST: PHILIPPINE testing & QUARANTINE PROTOCOL!

This post was last updated on: 2021 SEPTEMBER 17.
For a lot more updated info, check out the official web site of the Clark international Airport.

As part of the action to the COVID-19 pandemic, all international passengers arriving in the Philippines are required to follow strict protocols in line with the resolution of the Inter-Agency task force for emerging and infectious diseases (IATF- EID).

In this post, we’ll go over the arrival protocols for all international passengers coming to Clark international Airport, which serves central Luzon and Metro Manila. However, note that there are still travel restrictions in place. Make sure to check the Bureau of Immigration’s advisory on the passengers allowed to travel to the Philippines.

Before we go to the certain airport process, it is crucial that you’re familiar with the quarantine and testing protocol when traveling to the Philippines. The policies and requirements vary depending on your vaccination status.

Because these policies change a lot, we made a decision to create a separate post for it. read THIS FIRST: list OF PHILIPPINE QUARANTINE & testing requirements & PROTOCOL! ✅

Now that you know the testing and quarantine requirements, here’s what to expect when traveling to the Philippines.

Hvad er dækket af denne vejledning?

What to Do Upon Arrival1. accomplish the needed forms before your arrival.
2. health check and Verification
3. hotel and carry Arrangement
4. immigration & Customs check
5. hotel Quarantine
6. Swab test (RT-PCR Test)
7. Going Home

Important guidelines and Reminders
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What to Do Upon Arrival

1. accomplish the needed forms before your arrival.

All passengers are required to submit the following forms upon arrival. but fill out these forms before your flight. The links below will take you to the corresponding forms.

One health Pass (by Bureau of Quarantine). All travelers (including children) need to accomplish this form.

Electronic case investigation form (eCIF)
– For overseas Filipino workers (Land-based and Sea-based OFWs): DashLabs
– For Non-OFWs & foreign Nationals:

Affidavit of Undertaking

A QR code will be sent to you through email. Make sure to print or save a copy of it on your mobile device.

2. health check and Verification

A Bureau of Quarantine personnel will validate your health declaration Card.

Non-OFWs and foreign nationals need to proceed to Philippine airport Diagnostic laboratory (PADLab) desk for CIF verification and payment for the RT -PCR test (P4,000).

3. hotel and carry Arrangement

After health verification, go to the designated One stop shop booth for hotel assignment:

For OFWs (Land-based or Sea-based), technique the overseas workers Welfares administration (OWWA) booth

For Non-OFWs & foreign Nationals, proceed to the department of tourism (DOT) booth. You need to present your booking confirmation for your hotel and transportation.

❗️ For the list of BOQ recognized quarantine hotel that you can book in advance, you may check this: list OF DOH-ACCREDITED QUARANTINE hotels IN CLARK!

For how lots of days must you stay at a quarantine hotel? That depends on your country of origin and vaccination status.

IF YOU’RE traveling FROM green list COUNTRIES: 7 DAYS but only if you meet all of the following conditions:

your port of origin is on the list of green countries, territories and jurisdictions.

you stayed exclusively in green list countries within the past 14 days before your arrival date in the Philippines.

you’re fully vaccinated (in the Philippines or abroad)

your vaccination status can be verified by authorities as valid upon your arrival

IF YOU’RE traveling FROM YELLOW / RED list COUNTRIES: 10 DAYS (14 days total but only the first 10 are to be spent at the quarantine hotel and the remaining four days at home). note that for RED list countries, only returning Filipinos traveling by means of government-initiated or non-government repatriation, and Bayanihan Flights may be allowed entry but they are still subject to strict quarantine protocols.

4. immigration & Customs check

Once you have your accommodations checked and arranged, proceed to the immigration counters.

When you’re through, pick up your bags and clear the Customs check.

5. hotel Quarantine

At the Arrival Hall, find the bus assigned to you. This must take you to your designated hotel (OFW) or pre-booked quarantine hotel (non-OFW, foreigner).

Upon arrival, follow the check-in procedure of the hotel. note that accommodation establishments may have additional requirements or protocols that you need to follow.

Depending on your counPrøv oprindelsesstatus og vaccinationsstatus, du tilbringer de næste ti eller syv dage her, med RT-PCR-testen, der skal udføres på den syvende eller femte dag.

6. Swab Test (RT-PCR-test)

Den 7. eller 5. dag fra dagen for din ankomst til Filippinerne vil et medicinsk personale gennemføre din RT-PCR-test.

Resultatet sendes til dig via e-mail inden for de næste 24-48 timer.

Passagerer, der udviser symptomer når som helst fra ankomstendagen, vil straks blive udsat for en RT-PCR-test.

7. Går hjem

Hvis du tester negativt, får du kun lov til at forlade karantænehotellet.

Landbaseret OFWS kan kontakte OWWA for at oprette deres transport.
Ikke-afws og udenlandske statsborgere er nødt til at oprette deres egen transport.

Du skal også blive godkendt til din respektive lokale regeringsenhed (LGU) for at koordinere din overførsel fra Quarantine Hotel til dit hjem.

Du skal afslutte den 14-dages karantæne derhjemme. Du vil være under overvågning af Barangay Health Emergency Action Teams for resten af ​​karantæneperioden.

Vigtige retningslinjer og påmindelser

Kun passagerer med bekræftede flykoblinger og gyldige rejsepapirer får adgang til terminalen. Passagerer får lov til at komme ind i terminalen tre timer før deres flyvning, hvis indenlandske og fire timer før deres flyvning, hvis den er international.

Intrazonale bevægelser mellem steder under GCQ eller MGCQ er tilladt med forbehold af de retningslinjer, der er pålagt af den pågældende LGU, hvis nogen, der skal forelægges til afdelingen af ​​interiøret og den lokale regering (DILG).

For at kontrollere de komplette detaljer om de øjeblikkelige begrænsninger ved den internationale ankomst og afgang, kan du se dette indlæg fra Bureau of Immigration.

Bær ansigtsmaske og ansigtsskjold på nogen måde tidspunkter inde i terminalen. Du får ikke adgang til uden dem. Medbring ekstramateriale, hvis det går i stykker.

Overhold social distancering. Følg sociale distancerende markører på køer. Observer et sæde fra hinanden, når du sidder på banderstole, mens du venter.

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